Ordering the first model in association with the second model

I'm working on my first RoR project, and I need to create many, many relationships between two models, but with the ability to order the objects of the first model in association with the second model.

Let's say I have the following two models - Client - Route

I want to assign many clients to many Routes, but with the storage order of this association, for example,

-Route 1
--Customer 2, position 1
--Customer 1, position 2

-Route 2
--Customer 3, position 1
--Customer 1, position 2


I think I need to use has_many: through and owned_to and creat "position" on the in-middle-table for this, but then how do I make this field available and editable?


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4 answers

You can go with :through


class Route < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :bookings
  has_many :routes, :through => bookings

class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :route
  belongs_to :customer

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :bookings
  has_many :routes, through => :bookings


Your order model will save the date / position and you can access it:

c = Customer.first
c.routes(:include => :bookings, :order => "bookings.position")




class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :routes, :through => :trips

class Trip < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :customer
  belongs_to :route
  // has a ordinal called 'seq'

class Route < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :customers, :through => :trips


You should be able to access the ordinal field via @ customer.routes [0] .seq I haven't tested it and my rails skills are boring for a long time, but you should get the idea.




fair. to access the middle table, try:

c.bookings # this will return the 'middle table' which then you have the access to the positions 




I want to display all clients assigned to one route, so the query sent to the database is:

SELECT customers

. * FROM customers

INNER JOIN bookings

ON customers

.id = bookings

.customer_id WHERE (( bookings

.route_id = 1))

and then

SELECT bookings

. * FROM bookings

WHERE ( bookings

.customer_id IN (1,2,3))

.. so the second query does not contain enough information in the WHERE calus as it fetches information for all routes for specific clients, not just specific clients for a specific route (id = 1).

.. is RoR doing additional filtering after retrieving this data?

by the way. I have: include =>: booking added to route model



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