Arrays in Oracle SQL

Here is a simplified version of the pseudocode of what I would like to do in PL-SQL (Oracle):

  mylist as ARRAY
  mylist (1) := '1'
  mylist (2) := '3'
  FROM aTable
  WHERE aKey IN mylist;


SELECT should return matching records for mylist (1), mylist (2), etc. It should be like ORing for all values, but of course we don't know in advance how many values ​​we get.

How can I achieve this? I know that PL / SQL has some collection data types, but I cannot get them to work as expected in SQL statements.

Thanks for any ideas.


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2 answers

It's easy to do with a function TABLE()

. One catch is that the array variable must use the type declared in SQL. This is because it SELECT

uses the SQL engine, so PL / SQL declarations are not available.

SQL> create or replace type numbers_nt as table of number
  2  /

Type created.

SQL> declare
  2      l_array numbers_nt;
  3  begin
  4      l_array := numbers_nt (7521,7566,7654);
  5      for r in ( select ename
  6                 from emp
  7                 where empno in ( select *
  8                                  from table (l_array)
  9                                 )
 10               )
 11      loop
 12          dbms_output.put_line ( 'employee name = '||r.ename);
 13      end loop;
 14  end;
 15  /
employee name = PADFIELD
employee name = ROBERTSON
employee name = BILLINGTON

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.





A few suggestions:

1.) There's a CAST SQL keyword you can do that could do the job ... that makes your collection treated as if it were a table.

2.) Conveyor functions. Basically, the function returns data that looks like a table.

This link lists the parameters and has a list of code lists that explain them.



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