Locking the ToolStripContainer allows only one row of tools to be used

I want the ToolStrips to stay on one line, and so that the user can regroup on that line, but not create additional lines. I tried using SetBounds on the LocationChanged event if the user tried to change the Y position that he just clicked. However, this created some visual bugs such as the mouse always jumping back into place and ToolStrips jumping randomly (when dragging one of them, the other will randomly move around the bar ...)

I also tried setting the MaximumSize of the toolstripcontainer, but that allowed a new line to be created anyway (in which the hidden toolbars were hidden.)

EDIT: Its been several months old, no answers yet ... is it possible?


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1 answer

I have the same question. Do you get it? You can take a look at this post . I think it answers your question, but I'm just surprised to write a custom layout class to do what I think the ToolStrip would default to.



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