How to Configure ClickOnce for Nested Assemblies

My solution has 4 projects, each project contains many namespaces. My DLL is currently around 30MB in size. Just a small change to the class means the user needs to load a new version of the DLL that is too large and takes a long time.

How can I create a ClickOnce project for nested assemblies?


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3 answers

  • Right-click the project and click Add-> Existing Menu to display the Add Items dialog.
  • Select the .netmodule files and click OK to add them to our project.
  • Right click on all .netmodule files to display the properties dialog.
  • Set the Build Action property to Content and set the Copy to Output Directory parameter to the Copy property always.
  • Rebuild the project, the files will be copied to the main output directory.
  • In the project properties dialog box, select the Publish tab.
  • Click the Application Files button to open the Application Files dialog box.
  • We will see the .netmodule files in the dialog. We can change the Hash to Include / Exclude to include / exclude the file in the publish files.

Link: MSDN



Have you considered splitting DLLs into smaller ones? This same goal will be achieved and you will have more modular modularity as well as smaller ClickOnce DLLs to monitor and load for users.

This should be a win-win for your application.



Another option is to create a patch for your deployment. You need to create MSP file instead of MSI.

Nice examples can be found here:

and here:!E1AF7EB63FAA1FF!347.entry

I hope this helps you.



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