Flex: DataGrid with database: arrows disappear
In Flex, I use the following code to enable sorting in the DataGrid (data is dumped and sorted by server).
private function headerReleaseHandler (event: DataGridEvent): void { var column: DataGridColumn = DataGridColumn (event.currentTarget.columns [event.columnIndex]); if (this.count> 0) { if (this.query.SortField == column.dataField) { this.query.SortAscending =! this.query.SortAscending; } else { this.query.SortField = column.dataField; this.query.SortAscending = true; } this.fill (); } event.preventDefault (); }
This works great, except that the sorting arrows are not displayed. How can i do this?
Thank! / Niels
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3 answers
Here's an example, if that's what you're looking for: http://blog.flexexamples.com/2008/02/28/displaying-the-sort-arrow-in-a-flex-datagrid-control-without-having-to -click-a-column /
It looks like you need to update the collection used by your datapiver.
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I faced the same problem and the only solution I found was to override the DataGrid and create a custom one. Here is the class:
public class DataGridCustomSort extends DataGrid
public function DataGridCustomSort()
false, EventPriority.DEFAULT_HANDLER);
public function headerReleaseHandlerCustomSort(event:DataGridEvent):void {
mx_internal::sortIndex = event.columnIndex;
if (mx_internal::sortDirection == null || mx_internal::sortDirection == "DESC")
mx_internal::sortDirection = "ASC";
mx_internal::sortDirection = "DESC";
You need to specifically call the placeSortArrow () method when you receive the HEADER_RELEASE event and set the column index and direction information.
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