How can I reserve memory for a pointer to an array in Delphi?

I am developing a class to represent a special kind of matrix:

  DifRecord = record
    Field: String;
    Number: Byte;
    Value: smallint;

  TData = array of array of MainModule.DataRecord;

  TDifference = array of DifRecord;

  TFogelMatrix = class
    M: Byte;
    N: Byte;
    Data: ^TData;
    DifVector: ^TDifference;
    procedure init(); 
    constructor Create(Rows, Cols: Byte);
    destructor Destroy;


Now, in the constructor, I need to reserve memory for the Data and DifVector class members. As I understand it, I am using pointers to an array of records. So the main question is: how can I properly allocate memory? I suppose I cannot use something like this: because I lose the main idea - to reserve memory space as much as I want at runtime. Thanks for the comments.


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2 answers

Since you are using dynamic arrays, array of

then you must use SetLength to specify the length of the array that can be dynamically performed.

t. for example:

SetLength(Data, 100);


This won't hold 100 bytes, but will reserve enough space to store 100 elements of whatever type is stored in the array.

Change your declarations for arrays to simple arrays:

Data: TData;
DifVector: TDifference;


and use it with SetLength, it should do the trick.



Also note that in Delphi, variables of dynamic array type are stored as a pointer (in DotNet-talk, you call this a reference type).

If you don't point this variable to a pointer, the compiler won't let you do the allocation yourself. You have to use SetLength (), as already mentioned, lassevk.

With a multidimensional array (like TData), you can set both dimensions in one go by setting all dimensions with a single call to SetLength (). This results in a cubic structure (each dimension is of equal length). But you can also give each index within a dimension a different length for its next dimension. In two dimensions, this is sometimes referred to as a "jagged" array.

To do this, you must write it like this:

SetLength(Data, SizeOfFirstDimension);
for i = 0 to SizeOfFirstDimension - 1 do
  SetLength(Data[i], SizeOfSecondDimensionPerIndex(i));


In this example, I use a function called "SizeOfSecondDimensionPerIndex" to determine the size of each array in the second dimension, but you can determine this size in any way you want.

As a side note, I would suggest using the "R" prefix to define the post type. I know this is not in any of the basic coding tutorials, but if you look at "P'-prefixes for pointers", "I-prefixes for interfaces", "F" -prefixes for class fields, "a'-prefixes" for arguments "C'-prefixes for constants", S-prefixes for resourcestring, you can follow this logic and use "R'-prefix for entries". I know this helped me understand my code better!

Good luck!



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