Pmax (parallel maximum) equivalent for rank in R

If one has 4 judges, and each of them gives a score for a specific artist or a specific topic, then each can have 4 vectors, each of which contains a score. But I would like to turn it into a rank in order to overcome class inflation by one judge over another. it's easy

                     judge3.rank=rank(judge3), judge4.rank=rank(judge4))


But then, for each row (artist or topic), I want four more columns, which for each row define the rank of ranks (or parallel rank) for each judge.

I would like to do something like



I guess it would have to be output as a data frame.

I thought about using the reshape package to melt data, but this is just a preliminary thought.


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1 answer

If you read it right, this will do what you want:

## example data
judge <- data.frame(judge1 = sample(1:10), judge2 = sample(1:10),
                    judge3 = sample(1:10), judge4 = sample(1:10))


We compute the ranks for each judge using sapply()

that returns a rank matrix. We then use rank()

the rows of this matrix to calculate the artist / row ranks. Final transposition returns the result in the desired orientation.

> t(apply(sapply(judge, rank), 1, rank))
      judge1 judge2 judge3
 [1,]    1.5    1.5    3.0
 [2,]    3.0    1.5    1.5
 [3,]    1.0    2.5    2.5
 [4,]    2.0    3.0    1.0
 [5,]    1.0    2.0    3.0
 [6,]    2.5    1.0    2.5
 [7,]    3.0    2.0    1.0
 [8,]    3.0    1.0    2.0
 [9,]    3.0    1.0    2.0
[10,]    1.0    3.0    2.0


Wrap this in a function and you're good to go:

prank <- function(df, ...) {
    t(apply(sapply(df, rank, ...), 1, rank, ...))


What gives:

> prank(judge)
      judge1 judge2 judge3
 [1,]    1.5    1.5    3.0
 [2,]    3.0    1.5    1.5
 [3,]    1.0    2.5    2.5
 [4,]    2.0    3.0    1.0
 [5,]    1.0    2.0    3.0
 [6,]    2.5    1.0    2.5
 [7,]    3.0    2.0    1.0
 [8,]    3.0    1.0    2.0
 [9,]    3.0    1.0    2.0
[10,]    1.0    3.0    2.0



allows you to pass arguments rank()

, for example an argument ties.method


> prank(judge, ties = "min")
      judge1 judge2 judge3
 [1,]      1      1      3
 [2,]      3      1      1
 [3,]      1      2      2
 [4,]      2      3      1
 [5,]      1      2      3
 [6,]      2      1      2
 [7,]      3      2      1
 [8,]      3      1      2
 [9,]      3      1      2
[10,]      1      3      2




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