BlogEngine.Net Code Formatting Extension That Works?

For several months I've been trying to find a code syntax formatting extension that works for BlogEngine.Net. I don't like the default formatting extension's behavior and have tried a couple of others (among them manoli), but they always don't interact well with the TinyMCE editor. Does anyone know of an extension that works, or another approach that will allow me to make pretty code samples on my blog without even hacking the crap out of the HTML?



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3 answers

Thanks, Rafe. Thanks to this post that Hunzelman brought up the day after I asked the question, I downloaded WLW and am now using it. As for getting nicely formatted code, I use cut-and-paste from a small tool developed and available at .



I would try using Windows Live Writer along with the Paste From Visual Studio plugin. When you go to WLW you never come back to that damn TinyMCE interface.

WLW is here:

Plugin here:



Check out SyntaxHighlighter .. Works great. For easy integration into BlogEngine check out my blog post .



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