In the ORM designer, why aren't the server objects updated properly with the new changes?

Whenever I use the deisgner ORM in LinqToSql I have real problems trying to get the latest objects from the server explorer after I have updated them in the database.

For example, I have dragged and dropped a stored procedure to handle my inserts / updates, which creates a method to call. The problem is I need to go over and change one of the sp parameters in the database. When I drag sp back to the constructor, my new parameter is gone. Even after updating the server explorer object (db level), it still reverts to the previous settings. When I go through the options in the server explorer, it shows my new option, but doesn't bring it up when I drag and drop it.

The work around is to close all VS and then it works. This is obviously not ideal, so any help on this would be great.



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2 answers

The error you found goes something like this:

My best advice is not to use Linq2Sql, especially O / R Designer. There are many good reasons for this:

Don't use Visual Studio 2008 LinqToSql O / R Designer

Disadvantages of adopting Linq To Sql

At the end of the day, it's up to you whether you want to continue working on your Linq2Sql problems. There are much better alternatives.



We stopped messing with the LinqToSQL designer a long time ago due to the exact problems you posed. You can use SqlMetal to create DataContext for you from Visual Studio Command Prompt (Start> Programs> Visual Studio (2005 | 2008)> Visual Studio Tools> Visual Studio (2005 | 2008) Command Prompt)



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