Writing to the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) in XP

I am trying to change a registry key that I was told controls whether write caching is enabled on certain hard drives. The key should be:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\IDE\<DiskName>\<SerialNo>\Device Parameters\Disk\UserWriteCacheSetting

However, I am having problems trying to create this key (since it does not exist by default). If I try to open writeable ...\Device Parameters\Disk\

, I get a SecurityException; Msgstr "The requested registry access is not allowed." I have now added a flag <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

to my manifest file to make sure I have admin access, but I still have no luck.

Any ideas would be great!

    static void Main(string[] args)
        RegistryKey myKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\IDE\\");

        foreach (string driveManafacturer in myKey.GetSubKeyNames())
            RegistryKey driveKey = myKey.OpenSubKey(driveManafacturer);
            foreach (string driveID in driveKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                RegistryKey driveIDKey = driveKey.OpenSubKey(driveID, true);
                string driveType = (string)driveIDKey.GetValue("Class");
                if (driveType == "DiskDrive")
                    RegistryKey tempKey = driveIDKey.OpenSubKey("Device Parameters\\Disk\\", true);
                    if (tempKey == null)
                        tempKey = driveIDKey.CreateSubKey("Device Parameters\\Disk\\");
                        tempKey.SetValue("UserWriteCacheSetting", 0x0);




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2 answers

EDIT : Removed the idea of ​​partial trust ... it turned out that it had nothing to do with the problem.

I tried my code and got the same error - with some modifications it works:

RegistryKey myKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\IDE\\" );

foreach( string driveManafacturer in myKey.GetSubKeyNames() )
  RegistryKey driveKey = myKey.OpenSubKey( driveManafacturer );

  foreach( string driveID in driveKey.GetSubKeyNames() )
    RegistryKey subKey = driveKey.OpenSubKey( driveID );
    string driveType = (string)subKey.GetValue( "Class" );
    if( driveType == "DiskDrive" )
      RegistryKey tempKey = subKey.OpenSubKey( "Device Parameters", true );
      RegistryKey tempKey2 = tempKey.OpenSubKey( "Disk" );
      if( tempKey2 == null )
        tempKey2 = tempKey.CreateSubKey( "Disk" );
        tempKey2.SetValue( "UserWriteCacheSetting", 0x0 );




I have no better offer. Try to create a registry entry manually to make sure you can. Then make sure the app works with your credentials. Just to fix the permission issue.



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