Using SQL Server Agent to Run a Remote SSIS Package Programmatically on a Server
As per the example here from MSDN , how can you provide SSIS package level variables if you called the package through the "sp_start_job" procedure?
Here's some sample code from MSDN:
Dim jobConnection As SqlConnection
Dim jobCommand As SqlCommand
Dim jobReturnValue As SqlParameter
Dim jobParameter As SqlParameter
Dim jobResult As Integer
jobConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=msdb;Integrated Security=SSPI")
jobCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_start_job", jobConnection)
jobCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
jobReturnValue = New SqlParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int)
jobReturnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
jobParameter = New SqlParameter("@job_name", SqlDbType.VarChar)
jobParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
jobParameter.Value = "RunSSISPackage"
jobResult = DirectCast(jobCommand.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Value, Integer)
Select Case jobResult
Case 0
Console.WriteLine("SQL Server Agent job, RunSISSPackage, started successfully.")
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("SQL Server Agent job, RunSISSPackage, failed to start.")
End Select
How can I provide values ββfor variables inside an SSIS package named "RunSSISPackage"?
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2 answers
you can create a table that will act as a queue where you insert a row containing your parameters and then start the job. Inside TSQL, which is then run, just select the values ββand mark the queue line "C" ompleted, or just remove it and be on your way.
try the SSIS Software Package which covers all of the following methods:
- Run a Package Programmatically Using the SSIS Object Model
- Start the DTEXEC.EXE process. DTEXEC is a command line utility for executing SSIS packages.
- Use SQL Agent. You can configure an agent job to run your package.
- Use another utility to run DTEXEC for you.
- Create your own application that will run the package
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