Java webservices client is slow compared to dotnet client

we have a DotNet web service which is called by two clients, one dotnet client and another javaclient

The problem is that the java client takes longer to process the results compared to the dotnet client and has a big performance impact, I am using axis in java

Are there any axis issues regarding my situation here.

also the same java client when running on Linux platform even more time to process.

please provide me with some pointer here


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2 answers

The root cause can be almost anything: -

  • Slower hardware.
  • Poorly written client
  • Each call starts the Windows client with the javascript client against the java client.
  • Configuration differences
    • XSD assertion is enabled for the java client.
    • JVM memory allocation is too small (java -mx 20m --default is usually very small)
    • Full security is enabled and protection is disabled.

Differnet network routing is a javacleint going through a scanning firewall.

Basically you need to get some monitoring tools and measure where time is going!



Does the Java / Axis client retry its connection to the web service / server or initiate a new connection with each request?



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