Setting up Roundup with Apache

I think I just need a little more guidance than the documentation gives and it is quite difficult to find anything Roundup and Apache related specifically.

All I am trying to do currently is to show Apache that the standalone server is running when the roundup server starts up Support = C: / Roundup /

Running Windows XP with apache 2.2 and python 2.5 roundup 1.4.6

I don't have any additional notes, so if anyone else has worked this out already, could you please show me your config and I'll see how I get out of there :) I don't expect anyone to parse the 403 forbidden error that i get before i am sure my httpd.conf file is correct first.

Thank you in advance


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2 answers

First you need to enable the following modules:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/


The following lines are then needed to ensure that any requests / issues / are directed to the already running roundup-server thread. Apache doesn't actually deal with the code that it just streams! As shown below, I only worry about running one tracker currently, let alone all of them, since it runs on a server with other modules and I'm really not sure how to get the virtual hosts to work on my domain.

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
    # proxy through one tracker
    ProxyPass /issues/ http://localhost:80/issues/
    # proxy through all tracker(*)
    #ProxyPass /roundup/ http://localhost:80/


And what it is :) Just make sure you have roundup-server -p 8080 issues = C: / Roundup / happening in the background and it should be accepting requests through Apache.



It's easy enough to run roundup under Apache if you are using mod_wsgi .

Unfortunately, I've since moved away from roundup and no longer have a copy of my wsgi script to show you, but you should figure it out from the mod_wgi thead mailing list .



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