Windows Authentication for Remote Reporting Services

I have an ASP.NET web application that I am using to display MS reports using a report viewer. Reports sit on a remote server. I need to use Windows Authentication to connect to Reporting Services as I need to display reports based on who is logged in to the web application.

I have searched the net for a solution but found nothing.

Can anyone please help.


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1 answer

I am actually facing a similar problem right now. You need to set up a web server for DELEGATION.

The problem is that your web server can authenticate users locally using their Windows credentials, but even if it impersonates those users, their credentials are not used by default on the network. You must configure ActiveDirectory to recognize the web server as having the authority to impersonate a user on the local network.

Here are some links to get you started (I'm currently reading them, so I'm opening them!):
http: //



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