Increasing Haskell by one
Attempting to create a Haskell program that increments each number in a list by one.
module Add1List where
add1_list_comp :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
add1_list_comp [x] = [x + 1| x <- [x]]
It works when I call it add1_list_comp [3]
... it gives me[4]
But when I do add1_list_comp [3, 4, 5]
... it throws an error:
"non-exhaustive templates in add1_list_comp"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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I see that the question has been answered, but maybe I can explain a little more. The function argument matches the pattern, and the general rules
x is the head of the list and xs is the tail of the list and a potentially empty list
empty list
[x] or (x:[])
is the same list that contains only one variable
and a name without a constructor such as "[]", ":", "(,)" can match anything, so if you want to match a special case, you must put a special case in front of the general figure.
length [] = 0
length [x] = 1
length (x : xs) = 1 + length xs
By the way, there will always be a higher order function if you want to do something with the list. for your case
add1 xs = map (+1) xs
nicer and he took advantage of the built-in library and you can also make it a free version
add1 = map (+1)
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Ok, since this article states "Increment by One" without specifying which type will increase by one, just for the sake of the visitor to be here, let's give a solution that will increase any functor by one, which from the course includes list type. Thus,
Feature List
*Main> fmap (+1) [1,2,3]
Maybe a functor ( id
refers to Nothing
*Main> fmap (+1) (Just 1)
Just 2
Any functor ( id
applies to Left _
*Main> fmap (+1) (Right 2)
Right 3
IO functor
*Main> fmap ((+1) . read) getLine
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