Remove seconds from time (awk, sed)

I have a file like this:

XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30:00, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00,    131,132,133


So the time format is not consistent. Some lines have a time like hh: mm: ss, and some have a hh: mm time format. I would like to remove seconds and get the file like this:

XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00, 131,132,133


What I have tried so far is

sed 's@,\(..\):\(..\):\(..\) @,\1:\2 @' < time_fault > ./time_corrected



#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { RS="," ; FS=":"; ORS=","}
{ getline str
gsub(/*..:..:..*/,  $1":"$2 str) > time_corrected }


but both didn't work.

unix bash awk gnu sed

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6 answers

C sed

requires only one capture group:

sed -re 's/([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}):[0-9]{2},/\1,/' -e 's/, +/, /g' file
XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00, 131,132,133


Maybe awk

better .. apply only the replacement in the third field, if necessary, remove even more extra spaces from the fourth:

$ awk '{if ($3~/([0-9]{2}:){2}/) sub(/:[0-9]{2},/,",",$3);else sub(/ */,"",$4)}1'
XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00, 131,132,133



source to share

You almost got it.

sed 's@\(..\):\(..\):\(..\)@\1:\2@'



XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00,    131,132,133



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check this if it's ok for you:

based on your example input, this should work:

awk -F, 'split($0,a,":")>2{gsub(/:[0-9][0-9],/,",")}1' file



kent$  echo "XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30:00, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00,    131,132,133"|awk -F, 'split($0,a,":")>2{gsub(/:[0-9][0-9],/,",")}1'
XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00,    131,132,133



source to share

I changed your command a bit sed


$ sed 's/ \(..:..\)[^,]*/ \1/g' file
XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00,    131,132,133



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One of the methods:

 awk -F, '{$3=substr($3,0,16);}1' OFS=, file



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awk -F, '{OFS=","}length($3)>16{$3=substr($3,0,16)}1' your_file


checked below:

> cat temp
XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30:00, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00,    131,132,133

> awk -F, '{OFS=","}length($3)>17{$3=substr($3,0,16)}1' temp
XX1, 1.1,24.08.1994 13:00, 111,112,113
XX2, 1.2,24.08.1994 13:30, 121,122,123
XX3, NaN,22.08.1995 15:00,    131,132,133



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