NodaTime: timezone issue using C # NodaTime library
here i give my code and what's going on.
when i pass the timezone id to .net timezone that works with below code
var zoneId = "India Standard Time";
var zone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(zoneId);
var now = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, zone);
string xx1 = now.ToLongTimeString();
when i pass the same timezone id india standard time for the time library in the node then i get the error "timezone india standard time unknown to source TZDB: 2014e (mapping: 9723)"
my code looks like this for noda time
var zoneId = "India Standard Time";
DateTimeZone _zone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[zoneId];
ZonedDateTime _now = SystemClock.Instance.Now.InZone(_zone);
string xx= now.ToLongTimeString();
just tell me how to pass the timezone to the node library for India Standard Time or GMT Standard Time
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If you want to pass BCL timezone to Noda Time, you just need to use BCL provider:
DateTimeZone _zone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Bcl[zoneId];
This will find the relevant one TimeZoneInfo
, extract its customization rules, and convert it to a Noda time representation. Then you can use it just like you would any other DateTimeZone
Note that these time zone IDs are Windows specific. If you can use the IANA Time Zone Identifiers (TZDBs), it will generally make your data more portable to other systems.
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As the error message says, the line you provided is not in tzdb (Olson database). There is a list on Wikipedia : Indian Standard Time is Asia / Calcutta. Try this as a zone string.
"Etc / GMT" is the string for GMT, which the wiki says is a shortcut for the time zone string "UTC".
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