Rails 3 controller gets empty parameters, but only sometimes, after loading the ajax file

Rails 3.2.11

I need to upload a whole bunch of large files to a web service. I want to take files and slice them into smaller chunks by uploading them one at a time and then collecting them on the server.

Javascript (Coffee), work continues, but it sends chunks

class ChunkUploader
  constructor: (@file) ->
    @chunkSize = 1024 * 512

  startUpload: ->

  postChunk: (index) ->
    that = this
    offset = index * @chunkSize

    blob = @file.slice(offset, offset + @chunkSize)

    formData = new FormData()
    formData.append('authenticity_token', AUTH_TOKEN)
    formData.append('index', index)
    formData.append('offset', offset)
    formData.append('chunk_size', @chunkSize)
    formData.append('chunk', blob)

      contentType: false
      processData: false
      cache: false
      url: $('#drop_zone').attr('data-action')
      type: 'POST'
      data: formData
      error: ->
      success: ->
        if blob.size < that.chunkSize
          console.debug("I think we're done")
          return true
          that.postChunk(index + 1)

# and then

form = document.getElementById 'drop_zone'
form.addEventListener 'drop', (e) ->

  files = e.dataTransfer.files
  cu = new ChunkUploader(files[0])
  return false


The controller accepting the request is pretty simple so far:

def create
  head params[:chunk].nil? ? :internal_server_error : :ok


The part I'm stuck with is that sometimes it works and sometimes it just doesn't. The inspector in Chrome says the form has been submitted, but Rails refuses to provide me with the form data.

Then the log (local dev env) looks like this (notice how the parameters are missing on the second and 4th requests):

17:36:53 logger.1   | Started POST "/admin/products/testproduct/downloads" for at 2013-02-15 17:36:53 +0800
17:36:53 logger.1   | Processing by Admin::DownloadsController#create as */*
17:36:53 logger.1   |   Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"aQCyWZo3vADr5xUBNs1ECC8/bRPXtBxPCuMArXHbJVI=", "index"=>"3", "offset"=>"1572864", "chunk_size"=>"524288", "chunk"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x007fbedbfc2870 @original_filename="blob", @content_type="application/octet-stream", @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"chunk\"; filename=\"blob\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n", @tempfile=#<File:/var/folders/t6/wbym5ghx3r3g3ch1wgl1fg640000gn/T/RackMultipart20130215-789-2ckjj9>>, "product_id"=>"testproduct"}
17:36:53 logger.1   | Completed 200 OK in 6ms
17:36:53 logger.1   | 
17:36:53 logger.1   | 
17:36:53 logger.1   | Started POST "/admin/products/testproduct/downloads" for at 2013-02-15 17:36:53 +0800
17:36:53 logger.1   | Processing by Admin::DownloadsController#create as */*
17:36:53 logger.1   |   Parameters: {"product_id"=>"testproduct"}
17:36:53 logger.1   | Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms
17:37:04 logger.1   | 
17:37:04 logger.1   | 
17:37:04 logger.1   | Started POST "/admin/products/testproduct/downloads" for at 2013-02-15 17:37:04 +0800
17:37:04 logger.1   | Processing by Admin::DownloadsController#create as */*
17:37:04 logger.1   |   Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"aQCyWZo3vADr5xUBNs1ECC8/bRPXtBxPCuMArXHbJVI=", "index"=>"0", "offset"=>"0", "chunk_size"=>"524288", "chunk"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x007fbedbfbe9a0 @original_filename="blob", @content_type="application/octet-stream", @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"chunk\"; filename=\"blob\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n", @tempfile=#<File:/var/folders/t6/wbym5ghx3r3g3ch1wgl1fg640000gn/T/RackMultipart20130215-789-154zeln>>, "product_id"=>"testproduct"}
17:37:04 logger.1   | Completed 200 OK in 6ms
17:37:04 logger.1   | 
17:37:04 logger.1   | 
17:37:04 logger.1   | Started POST "/admin/products/testproduct/downloads" for at 2013-02-15 17:37:04 +0800
17:37:04 logger.1   | Processing by Admin::DownloadsController#create as */*
17:37:04 logger.1   |   Parameters: {"product_id"=>"testproduct"}
17:37:04 logger.1   | Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms


Sometimes the entire file will be downloaded. Sometimes he suffocates on the first segment. Sometimes he is torn between them. I have no idea why this is happening or where it breaks down. Why does my form sometimes appear to be empty even though Chrome insists that all the form data has been created?


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1 answer

If you are using pow as your webserver, you should try rails default webserver. Or, if your level is below version 0.4.0, update to 0.4.0 and then try again.



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