What is the difference between wcsncpy and wcscpy_s?

Is there any practical difference between use wcscpy_s

and use wcsncpy

? The only difference seems to be the order of the parameters and the return value:

errno_t wcscpy_s(wchar_t *strDestination,
                 size_t numberOfElements,
                 const wchar_t *strSource);

wchar_t *wcsncpy(wchar_t *strDest,
                 const wchar_t *strSource,
                 size_t count );


And if there is no practical difference, why should Microsoft add wcscpy_s

to Visual Studio when a wcsncpy

standard feature was already available?

Can I replace wcscpy_s

with wcsncpy

when migrating from Visual Studio to gcc?


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4 answers

These two functions do not have the same behavior.

From MSDN documentationwcscpy_s


Upon successful execution, the destination string will always be null terminated.

From the spec wcsncpy

(C11 / 1-3):

#include <wchar.h>
wchar_t *wcsncpy(wchar_t * restrict s1,
    const wchar_t * restrict s2,
    size_t n);


The function wcsncpy

copies at most n

wide characters (those that follow the null character; wide character is not copied) from the array it points s2

to to the array it points to s1


If the array pointed s2

to is a wide string that is shorter than n

wide characters, s1

blank wide characters are appended to the copy in the array pointed to, before n

wide characters were written in all

and footnote (# 346):

Thus, if there is no null wide character in the first n

wide characters of the array pointed to s2

, the result will not be null-terminated.

Note that strncpy

and are wcsncpy

not intended to be used with null characters. They are intended for use with fixed width null encoded strings.



Another difference (it just cost me a couple of hours to stare at the code wondering what's going on) is that the default wcscpy_s function will terminate the application if you are about to intercept the buffer.

I expected it to behave like one of the strncpy variants. This is not true!

You can change this behavior with the _set_invalid_parameter_handler function.




is more secure , it can catch your error and call an Invalid Parameter Handler Procedure . To handle such errors without crashing they have provided _set_invalid_parameter_handler




Functions with _s appended are whoch functions are more secure. Typically features unrelated to trailing _s will be marked "deprecated" by VS2012, for example. You will receive a warning. For more information: MSDN has a lot of information on this.



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