Import CSV file into my datagridview
I am working on a project where I need to import a CSV file and display the results in a DataGridView. I am struggling to display my data fields in my datagridview, I want to add each row every time so that it parses them correctly. Here is my code so far.
csv.MissingFieldAction = MissingFieldAction.ReplaceByNull;
int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders();
fieldCount = fieldCount - 1;
//TO DO: Reading Header Information
for (int i = 0; i <= fieldCount; i++)
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn headerRow = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
headerRow.Name = headers[i];
headerRow.HeaderText = headers[i];
headerRow.Width = 100;
while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
//for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
// string.Format("{0} = {1};",
// headers[i],
// csv[i] == null ? "MISSING" : csv[i]);
//TO DO: for loop to add each data field row
DataGridViewRow dgvr = new DataGridViewRow();
for (int fieldCount = 0; fieldCount <= csv.FieldCount; fieldCount++)
string field = csv[fieldCount];
dgvr.Cells.Add(new DataGridViewCell());
dgvComplianceImport.DataSource = csv;
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CSV file is a regular text file separated by commas.
Basically what you want to do is open a text file and read each line and split by comma (",")
Use these links. They have to help.
Let me know if you still need help writing the code.
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This is what I usually do:
- Define a class where each property represents a CSV column
- Use
(here here and here ) to read a file CSV. He already gives meIEnumerable<T>
is my class. - Populate the DataGridView as usual (manually, using bindings, etc.).
An example of how to read a CSV file
Suppose CSV file has columns Name, Last Name, Age
Then you define the following class:
class Person {
[CsvColumn(FieldIndex = 0, CanBeNull = false, Name = "Name")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[CsvColumn(FieldIndex = 1, CanBeNull = true, Name = "Last Name")]
public string Last Name { get; set; }
[CsvColumn(FieldIndex = 2, CanBeNull = true, Name = "Age")]
public int Age { get; set; }
After that, you can read the list Person
from the CSV file, for example:
public IEnumerable<Person> ReadFromCsv(string csvFile) {
//Here you set some properties. Check the documentation.
var csvFileDescription = new CsvFileDescription
FirstLineHasColumnNames = true,
SeparatorChar = ',' //Specify the separator character.
var csvContext = new CsvContext();
return csvContext.Read<Person>(csvFile, csvFileDescription);
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This is the class I am using:
Call lCsv.ReadCsv ("your file path"), the method returns a datatable created from a .csv file.
The separator in the file is ";" and the first line of the .csv file is the header names. If you need to modify this lCsv.ReadCsv method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
namespace ReadWriteCsv
/// <summary>
/// Class to store one CSV row
/// </summary>
public class CsvRow : List<string>
public string LineText { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Class to read data from a CSV file
/// </summary>
public class CsvFileReader : StreamReader
public CsvFileReader(Stream stream)
: base(stream)
public CsvFileReader(string filename)
: base(filename)
/// <summary>
/// Reads a row of data from a CSV file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="row"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ReadRow(CsvRow row)
row.LineText = ReadLine();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.LineText))
return false;
int pos = 0;
int rows = 0;
while (pos < row.LineText.Length)
string value;
// Special handling for quoted field
if (row.LineText[pos] == '"')
// Skip initial quote
// Parse quoted value
int start = pos;
while (pos < row.LineText.Length)
// Test for quote character
if (row.LineText[pos] == '"')
// Found one
// If two quotes together, keep one
// Otherwise, indicates end of value
if (pos >= row.LineText.Length || row.LineText[pos] != '"')
value = row.LineText.Substring(start, pos - start);
value = value.Replace("\"\"", "\"");
// Parse unquoted value
int start = pos;
while (pos < row.LineText.Length /*&& row.LineText[pos] != ','*/)
value = row.LineText.Substring(start, pos - start);
// Add field to list
if (rows < row.Count)
row[rows] = value;
// Eat up to and including next comma
while (pos < row.LineText.Length /*&& row.LineText[pos] != ','*/)
if (pos < row.LineText.Length)
// Delete any unused items
while (row.Count > rows)
// Return true if any columns read
return (row.Count > 0);
public class lCsv
public static DataTable ReadCsv(string sPath)
DataTable dtIssues = new DataTable();
int iRowCount = 0;
int iColumnCount = 0;
// Read sample data from CSV file
using (CsvFileReader reader = new CsvFileReader(sPath))
CsvRow row = new CsvRow();
while (reader.ReadRow(row))
foreach (string fullrow in row)
if (iRowCount == 0)
foreach (string sName in fullrow.Split(';'))
DataRow drIssue = dtIssues.NewRow();
int iAddCount = 0;
foreach (string sName in fullrow.Split(';'))
if (iAddCount < iColumnCount)
drIssue[iAddCount] = sName;
return dtIssues;
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Why reinvent the wheel? FileHelpers
- your friend.
An example on how to import CSV into DataTable is given here:
The static method signature under the corresponding class ( CsvEngine
) is simple:
public static DataTable CsvToDataTable(
string filename,
string classname,
char delimiter
Sweet, right?
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