How do I get main.css.erb in application.css

My application.css


 *= require_self
 *= require 'main.css'
 *= require 'styles.css'
 *= require 'jquery.ui'
 *= require 'main.css.erb'


but main.css.erb

not included which contains

 background-image: url(<%= asset_data_uri 'data.png' %>) !important;


My main page

<%= stylesheet_link_tag  'application', :media => "all",'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application", 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>


I don't want to use *= require_tree.

in application.css

to keep the css page separate from each other.

How can I use main.css.erb

in the RAILS 4

development pipeline and assets in production


css ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-4 asset-pipeline

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4 answers

I don't want to use * = require_tree. in application.css so that page specific css will remain separate from each other.

In that case, why don't you include the file in yours layout


<%= stylesheet_link_tag  'application', 'main', :media => "all",'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>


This will allow you to include the CSS file separately, both during development and in production.

Of course, this recommendation does not take into account the problems with the filenames and file extensions you have:


In a production environment, Sprockets uses the fingerprint scheme outlined above. By default, Rails assumes the assets have been precompiled and will serve as static assets by your web server.

You mentioned that you want to keep your file separate from other CSS. require_tree

matches exactly require

- it calls the file to be included in your file application.css


There is nothing wrong with that, except that if you want to include files separately, you want you to save them separately. To do this, you must assign main

precompilation to your array:

config.assets.precompile += ["main.css"]


This means that when you run your application in production, you will be able to use the file main.css

independently of the other.



Finally, and probably most acutely, you need to make sure that you only call one file main

. The reason is that no matter if you use css

, erb

or scss

, the file will always be converted to a filecss

This means that if you have multiple files with the same name, Rails will get confused (as you discovered). To fix this, you need to make sure you can name the files you need individually.



Finally, as indicated in Sampriti Panda

, you must use the preprocessor scss

over erb

in the pipeline of your asset. The main reason for this is that the preprocessor allows assets to be precompiled for free

I would change your file erb

to this:

.your_element {
    background-image: asset_url('data.png');


This will work for both dynamic and static file


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This is because you have 2 main.css.

Try changing your code like this:

*= require_self
 *= require main
 *= require styles
 *= require jquery.ui



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Do you have a file main.css

and main.css.erb

? If so, then these two files are the same for asterisks, and therefore only the first ( main.css

) is included .

Rename one of the files and get rid of the file extensions in your manifest file, i.e .:

*= require_self
*= require main
*= require styles
*= require jquery.ui
*= require main2



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From / ...

From rails 3.1, the asset pipeline allows you to use asset helpers inside your css file. The css parsers are not tied to the controller / action, but the ruby ​​parser can now solve some problems like image path references

This way you can rename it as main.css.scss

a directory app/assets/stylesheets

and it should work.


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