Rename the button text without ID
I have html as:
<div class="k-button k-upload-button">
<input id="files" name="files" type="file" data-role="upload" autocomplete="off">
<span>Select files...</span>
Above html text (tags) I cannot change.
I just want to change the text:
Select files...
Select file
For this I tried:
$(".k-button.k-upload-button").find("span").text("Select file");
But it didn't work.
Please help me. How can I change the text ???
.k-upload-button span:before {
content: 'Select File';
position: relative;
left: 4444px;
display: inline;
.k-upload-button span {
position: relative;
left: -4444px;
display: inline;
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