Finding a string for a substring

(Apologies, I am very new to C #)

Given the following line:

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE sDATE ='~~Date~~' AND sName = '~~Some NAME~~'

I need to extract Date

and Some NAME

from the above string into an array.

  • It won't always be Date and Some NAME inside ~~

  • There may be one per line ~~x~~

    , perhaps two or more
  • ~~x~~

    can be of any length and can contain numbers, letters and spaces
  • ~~x~~

    always starts and ends with ~~

  • ~~x~~

    may or may not be quoted

For a given string, I would like to get an array of found values. I would be fine with ~~Date~~

or justDate

I think it might be a regex situation. I looked at .Split

, .IndexOf

, .Contains

but none of them did not get me, I'm looking for, so I do not always look for the same string.


This is not strictly for parsing SQL, this is just a quick example. The string can also be

My name is ~~Some NAME~~ and I'm hunting for some help

string c # regex

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1 answer

Given your description, something like (and assuming that inside the string you want to capture is not ~~




will give you text between the pair ~~

in the capture group. You can change .

to something more restrictive if you like.


    var s = "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE sDATE ='~~Date~~' AND sName = '~~Some NAME~~'";
    Regex r = new Regex(@"~~(.*?)~~");
    foreach (Match m in r.Matches(s)) {





Note the importance *?

versus just *

here. *

itself is greedy and will match as much as possible. Therefore he will return Date~~' AND sName = '~~Some NAME

, because he will occupy everything between the first and the last ~~

. The addition ?

makes it lazy.


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