"Message contains no documents" when trying to insert into Mongodb

I am creating a Ruby on Rails application that uses mongod stone to store data through Mongodb.

My problem comes from this task:

require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'

task :scrape => :environment do

  page = Nokogiri::HTML(open('https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&source=embed&dg=feature&authuser=0&msa=0&output=kml&msid=208523333872813891131.0004c02beb4f2788337d0'))

  page.css("coordinates").each do |coords|    
    coords = coords.text.split("\n")
    coords.each do |coord|
      array = coord.strip.split(',')
      array[0] = array[0].to_f
      array[1] = array[1].to_f
      if (array[0] != 0 && array[1] !=0)
        puts array[0]
        puts array[1]
        s = Submission.new(array[0], array[1], "Calfire", nil)



tries to remove information from url, instantiate Submission

and then insert it into Mongodb database. Every time I run rake scrape

in terminal, I get the following error when trying to save Submission

to database.

rake aborted!
Moped::Errors::OperationFailure: The operation: #<Moped::Protocol::Command
  @selector={:getlasterror=>1, :w=>1}
failed with error 13066: "Message contains no documents"


I'm new to both Ruby and Mongodb, so if any other code is helpful he should be able to update this post. I tried setting up a new app / scaffolding to see if I could fix this, but nothing changed. I also tried to just save the instance Submission

via terminal, but that didn't work either.

When I was looking for a solution, I came across this discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mongodb-user/kg-wK56_JkQ

This suggests that I may not be asking for anything, but the lines puts

in the Ruby code are clearly being output to the terminal. Any help is appreciated.


Model fields Submission

class Submission
    include Mongoid::Document
    field :lat, type: Float
    field :long, type: Float
    field :image, type: Moped::BSON::Binary
    field :category, type: String



The problems were corrected by correct formatting of the string s.create

, as well as removing the string s.insert



source to share

1 answer

Standard usage Model.create(attributes)

, you should only do:

s = Submission.create(:lat => array[0], :long => array[1], :category => 'Calfire')
# No Submission.new, no s.insert, just create and check s.valid? or use create!


I suspect I Submission.new

really don't know what to do with all of these positional arguments, so you're probably some kind of confused nonsense in s

. The supposed one Submission.new

tries to interpret the arguments and fails silently.



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