Meteor: Error: ENOENT when trying to access an image using node-gd

I cannot figure out why I am getting this "Error: ENOENT" error. Here is my Meteor server method:

  createImage: function(coords) {

    var gd = Meteor.npmRequire('node-gd');
    var path = Meteor.npmRequire('path');
    var fs = Meteor.npmRequire('fs');

    var source = 'forrest.png';
    var target = 'compimages';

     if (path.exists(target)) fs.unlink(target);

        gd.openPng(source, function(png, path) {
                              if(png) {



Here is the output I get from it on the terminal:

=> Meteor server restarted
I20140827-15:30:18.451(-7)? createImage
I20140827-15:30:18.455(-7)? 27888
I20140827-15:30:18.456(-7)? 242 
I20140827-15:30:18.459(-7)? 164
I20140827-15:30:18.459(-7)? 410
I20140827-15:30:18.459(-7)? 330
I20140827-15:30:18.459(-7)? 168
I20140827-15:30:18.460(-7)? 166
W20140827-15:30:18.527(-7)? (STDERR) path.exists is now called `fs.exists`.
I20140827-15:30:18.547(-7)? { [Error: ENOENT, open 'forrest.png'] errno: 34, code: 'ENOENT', path: 'forrest.png' }
I20140827-15:30:18.548(-7)? undefined


These are directories in ~ / myapp / server /

me@ubuntu:~/myapp/server$ ls
compimages  forrest.png  privateimages  server.js  user-setup.js


I want to access forrest.png and use node-gd to strip out a portion of it based on the agreed codes.

As I understand it, this error means the directory is missing. The png file that I am trying to access is in the same directory as its .js file (they are both in ~ / myapp / server /, so it doesn't seem like the problem to me. The only thing I can see is that the path is undefined. I have this set:

me@ubuntu:~/myapp/packages/npm/npm/node_modules$ ls
node-gd  path


Can anyone see what's going on with this? I am using Meteor 0.9.0


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1 answer

If you are console.log(process.cwd())

in your server code, you will notice that the current working directory of your Meteor application project/.meteor/local/build/programs/server

, however, your code assumes that CWD project/server


What you can do is prefix your paths with the root folder of the project server, which is obtained by navigating 5 levels in the file system hierarchy.

var projectRootServer="../../../../../server";
var source=projectRootServer+"forrest.png";


It's not very elegant, but it works.

Unrelated but seems to be path.exists

outdated in favor fs.exists

, you should fix this as well.



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