How to get x, y coordinates of native android app using selenium

How to get x, y coordinates of native android application using selenium java web driver.

I am using appium. My app opens the Android image gallery. As uiautomatorviewer doesn't render layout for it. I was unable to click the image.

It looks like moveToElement, mouseMoveAt, etc. only works for browsers. What are the options available for the native application.


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2 answers

I found a solution using the code below. When pressed in a certain position, I could select an image.

        HashMap<String, Integer> tapObject = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

        tapObject.put("x", 100); // in pixels from left

        tapObject.put("y", 300); // in pixels from top

        driver.executeScript("mobile: tap", tapObject);




Consider moving to Appium. Appium advertises an additional layer on top of Selenium that can help you automate iOS and Android apps.



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