Unit test code analysis using "sonar. *" Property and maven-sonar-plugin
I am trying to parse a Java unit test code using the maven sonar plugin. But the plugin doesn't seem to respect my sonar properties "sonar. *". I tried changing simple examples and it works too. According to MSONAR-70 the issue has been fixed and I am using version 2.4.
For a test, I tried this in a simple case:
- Clone sonar-examples.git
- use sonar project-examples / projects / languages / java / maven / java-maven-simple as example
- Renamed src / main to src / test
In pom.xml add in properties section:
<sonar.sources>src/test/java</sonar.sources> <sonar.binaries>target/test-classes</sonar.binaries>
Start mvn sonar: sonar.
-> code analysis did not take into account my settings. The project is created on SonarQube, but the code is not parsed.
If I use the command line sonar-runner it parses the code:
sonar-runner [...] -Dsonar.sources=src/test/java
-Dsonar.projectName="Simple Java Maven Project"
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According to a previous revision of the question, the OP solved his problem as follows:
We used SonarQube 4.0 version. Upgrading to 4.4 resulted in properties being taken into account.
This was in 2014; the current version is now 5.5 .
Upgrade steps can be found here :
- Stop old SonarQube server
- Download and unpack the new SonarQube distribution in a new directory, say NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME.
- Run it using the default H2 database and use the update center to install the plugins you need.
- Install any custom plugins manually.
- Stop the new server.
- Update the contents of the sonar.properties and wrapper.conf files located in the NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME / conf directory with the contents of the related files in the OLD_SONARQUBE_HOME / conf directory (web server URL, database settings, etc.). Do not copy or paste old files.
- If using a custom JDBC driver, copy it to NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME / extensions / jdbc-driver /.
- Database backup.
- Delete data directory / es.
- Start a new web server
- Find
(replace "localhost: 9000" with your own URL) and follow the installation instructions.
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