Cloth: get () when a folder contains 2 levels of subfolders fails?

I'm new to creation, so I hope my question is warranted;). Here it is: I want to use the get command to pull a folder and all files / subfolders from a Linux machine to my Win 7 machine using cloth. Each subfolder itself can also contain subfolders, etc.

For example:

 - main_folder

 --> file1

 --> file2

 -----> subfolder1

 --------> file3

 --------> file4

 -----------> subfolder2

 --------------> file5


What I see is that the get command doesn't work as soon as it sees subfolder2? The cloth doesn't really give me a compelling reason, but I feel like it's actually not as recursive as I expected :(. Here's an example where the crash fails:

 local  path: backups/E1/E1_UPC_CH
 remote path: /opstalj/backup/config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18/

[root@] download: C:\scripts\fab\backups\E1\E1_UPC_CH\config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18\subfolder1\file1.conf <- /opstalj/backup/config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18/subfolder1/file1.conf
[root@] download: C:\scripts\fab\backups\E1\E1_UPC_CH\config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18\subfolder1\file2.conf <- /opstalj/backup/config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18/subfolder1/file2.conf
[root@] download: C:\scripts\fab\backups\E1\E1_UPC_CH\config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18\subfolder1\subfolder2 <- /opstalj/backup/config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18/subfolder1/subfolder2

Fatal error: get() encountered an exception while downloading '/opstalj/backup/config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18/'

Underlying exception:


As you can see, get () resulted in:

  • main folder: config_backup_2014-08-27_09-18
  • subfolder1

but aborted when it reached subfolder2: (...

I am using the following fabric version:

  Fabric 1.9.1
  Paramiko 1.14.0


This is mistake? Possible workaround? Or am I missing something? Thanks in advance,



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