SQL updates a single row (Row by Row)

I am working in tsql and have a problem where I need to make multiple updates on one line based on multiple conditions.

  • By rank in ascending order
  • If the column is NULL, I need it to update no matter what the Rank is.
  • If the rows are the same, I need to update it in the order T2_ID.
  • And I need to use the latest updated output.

I tried using the update instruction below, but only the first update and the rest are ignored. Here's an example of the datasets I'm working with and the results I want.

Thanks in advance!

update a
set Middle = case when a.Rank_ >= b.Rank_ OR a.Middle IS NULL then ISNULL(b.Middle, a.Middle) end,
    LName = case when a.Rank_ >= b.Rank_ OR a.Lname IS NULL then ISNULL(b.LName, a.LName) end,
    Rank_ = case when a.Rank_ >= b.Rank_ then b.Rank_ end
from #temp1 a
inner join #temp2 b on a.fname = b.fname
    b.T2_ID in (select top 100% T2_ID from #temp2 order by T2_ID asc)



Fname   Middle  Lname   Rank_
John    NULL    NULL    2


Table2 :

 T2_ID  Fname   Middle  Lname   Rank_
    1   John    Mike    Doe      3
    2   John    NULL    Smith    1
    3   John    NULL    Davis    1


Desired output:

Fname   Middle  Lname   Rank_
John    Mike    Davis   1



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2 answers

One UPDATE statement can update each record only once.

So, if you understand correctly, the desired result is just one entry per Fname, using nonzero values ​​for each column with the lowest rank, and in the case of links, the highest T2_ID?

You can achieve this simply by using subqueries:


    (SELECT TOP 1 Middle FROM #temp1 b
     WHERE Middle IS NOT NULL AND b.Fname = a.Fname
     ORDER BY Rank_, T2_ID DESC) AS Middle

    (SELECT TOP 1 Lname FROM #temp1 b
     WHERE Lname IS NOT NULL AND b.Fname = a.Fname
     ORDER BY Rank_, T2_ID DESC) AS Lname

    (SELECT TOP 1 Rank_ FROM #temp1 b
     WHERE Rank_ IS NOT NULL AND b.Fname = a.Fname
     ORDER BY Rank_, T2_ID DESC) AS Rank_
    #temp1 a
    Fname    /* To get one record per Fname */


You can then update #temp2

using the result of that selection.



You also user group by and having 

    create table #temp1(

    fname varchar(10),
    mname varchar(10),
    lname varchar(10),
    rank_ int
 create table #temp2(
    t2id int,
    fname varchar(10),
    mname varchar(10),
    lname varchar(10),
    rank_ int

insert into #temp1
select 'john',null,null,2 

insert into #temp2
select 1,'john','mike','doe',3 union all 
select 2,'john',null,'smith',1 union all 
select 3,'john',null,'davis',1 

select top 1 fname,(select top 1 mname from #temp2 order by rank_ desc) as mname,lname,min(asrank_) from (
select b.rank_,a.fname,case when a.Rank_ >= b.Rank_ OR a.mname IS NULL then ISNULL(b.mname, a.mname) end as mname,
    case when a.Rank_ >= b.Rank_ OR a.Lname IS NULL then b.LName end as lname,
    case when a.Rank_ >= b.Rank_ then b.Rank_ end asrank_
from #temp1 a
inner join #temp2 b on a.fname = b.fname)tbl group by fname,mname,lname having min(asrank_)=1

drop table #temp2
drop table #temp1




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