How to install docker man pages on Mac os

I have installed docker on mac os as written in the documentation .

But in some docs (like the docker book ) I see recommendations to use man docker-run

( man docker-pull

etc.) ..

But when I run a command like this, I get the error:

bessarabov@bessarabov-osx:~$ man docker
No manual entry for docker


How can I install man docker documentation on Mac OS system?


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4 answers

It looks like docker has changed a bit since @ Sergiy's answer . Here is a slightly updated version that worked for me.

git clone
cd docker/man                      # looks like the directory has moved up
docker build -t docker/md2man .    # don't forget the '.'
docker run -v $PWD/:/docs:rw -w /docs -i docker/md2man /docs/
sudo cp -R man* /usr/share/man/    # you'll likely need sudo access for this
man docker                         # check it worked




Until the issue is resolved, you can create the man pages manually through the docker container using the supplied Dockerfile and then just copy the generated files to /usr/share/man/


# Step 1: checkout docker sources, but make sure you do this
# somewhere in /Users directory because boot2docker can only
# share this path with docker containers
git clone

# Step 2: build docker image  
cd docker/docs/man
docker build -t docker/md2man .

# Step 3: build man pages
docker run -v /Users/<path-to-git-dir>/docker/docs/man:/docs:rw \
-w /docs -i docker/md2man /docs/

# Step 4: copy generated man pages to /usr/share/man
cp -R man* /usr/share/man/





As of 2017.06.01 you have to git check your desired tag / version from

and then go to the man directory and do:

make -f docker.Makefile manpages





It seems that the go / glide bit under the hood of docker / md2man has changed after @gilly's answer. What I ended up doing on Mac OS:

cd /usr/local
git clone
brew install ruby
gem install md2man
cd docker/man
mkdir man1; for i in *; md2man-roff $i > man1/${}; done
cd /usr/local/share/man/man1
for i in ../../../docker/man/man1/*.1; do ln -s $i .; done




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