$ http returns error when response is 304 (not modified) in angularjs

I am using angularjs $ http to request asp net web api. The web api on the server manages caching via ETags. If my response status code is 304, it goes into an error function, not success. I don't understand what is the reason for this weird corner behavior. Below is my code

function getEmployeesPartial(pageIndex, pageSize) {
        var deferred = $q.defer();
        var uri = config.remoteServiceName + 'odata/Employees?$select=EmployeeId,FirstName,LastName,Email,Designation/Name&$top=' + pageSize + '&$skip=' + (pageIndex * pageSize) + '&$inlinecount=allpages' + '&$expand=Designation';
        var authData = common.getAuthData();
        var authHeaderValue = "Bearer " + authData.token;
        var etagHeaderValue = angular.empty;
        if (common.etag !=angular.empty) {
            etagHeaderValue = common.etag;
        $http.get(uri, { headers: { 'Authorization': authHeaderValue,'If-None-Match':etagHeaderValue } }).success(function (response, status, headers, httpconfig) {
            // alert(headers('Etag'));
            common.etag = headers('Etag');
        }).error(function (err, status, headers, httpconfig) {
            if (status === 500) {


        return deferred.promise;


Any ideas?


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1 answer

We addressed the issue by implementing an HTTP interceptor and letting the interceptor resolve to 304 status rather than reject.

// register the interceptor as a service
$provide.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function ($q, dependency1, dependency2) {
    return {

        'responseError': function (rejection) {
            if (rejection.status === 304)  return $q.resolve(rejection);

            return $q.reject(rejection);




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