Moving and modifying SVG text causes Internet Explorer 11 to ignore the mouse

I am testing this with IE 11.0.9600.17280. If I change the textbox when I move the mouse around the SVG area, Internet Explorer stops responding to mouse events (click, move) for the entire page, but I can still use the keyboard (text input, tab). The only way I have found mouse control is to refresh the page. Sometimes this happens even if the mouse is not moving.

What is causing this? Is there a way to get around the problem?

var pt;


  pt = document.getElementById("layout_area").createSVGPoint();
  $("#layout_area").mousemove(function(event) {
     // Convert x/y into SVG position
      pt.x = event.clientX;
      pt.y = event.clientY;
      var svg = $("#layout_area")[0]
      var matrix = pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
      var pos_x = matrix.x
      var pos_y = matrix.y
      $("#position").append("<br />( " + pos_x.toFixed(3) + ", " + pos_y.toFixed(3) + " )");

  $("#label_text").keyup(function() {
      document.getElementById("text1").textContent = $("#label_text").val().trim();

<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="label_text" />
<br />
<svg width="400" height="200" viewbox="0 0 400 200" xmlns:xlink="" id="layout_area" style="overflow: hidden;">
    <svg id="Si19krjw36" viewBox="-200 -200 400 400" width="400" height="400">
      <text id="text1" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 25pt; text-anchor: middle;" fill="#000000" x="0" y="0">text</text>
  <rect x="0" y="0" width="400" height="200" fill="white" stroke="black"/>
  <use id="text1_use" x="-103" y="-84.09" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Si19krjw36" />
<br /><br />
<div id="position"></div>

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3 answers

I found a workaround that suits my needs. The problem seems to be because the cursor is right above the text when it changes, so I added an invisible div on top of the SVG and changed the mousemove event to that div. The cursor becomes a pointer type instead of an i-beam, and the page no longer freezes when the text box changes.

Here's a working example:

var pt;

$(document).ready(function() {

  pt = document.getElementById("layout_area").createSVGPoint();

  $("#cover").mousemove(function(event) {

    // Convert x/y into SVG position
    pt.x = event.clientX;
    pt.y = event.clientY;
    var svg = $("#layout_area")[0]

    var matrix = pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());

    var pos_x = matrix.x
    var pos_y = matrix.y

    $("#position").append("<br />( " + pos_x.toFixed(3) + ", " + pos_y.toFixed(3) + " )");

    document.getElementById("text1_use").setAttribute("x", pos_x - 200);
    document.getElementById("text1_use").setAttribute("y", pos_y - 200);

  $("#label_text").keyup(function() {
    document.getElementById("text1").textContent = $("#label_text").val().trim();

<input type="text" id="label_text" />
<br />
<div style="position: relative; height: 200px">
  <svg width="400" height="200" viewbox="0 0 400 200" xmlns:xlink="" id="layout_area" style="overflow: hidden; z-index: 0; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">
      <svg id="Si19krjw36" viewBox="-200 -200 400 400" width="400" height="400">
        <text id="text1" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 25pt; text-anchor: middle;" fill="#000000" x="0" y="0">text</text>
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="400" height="200" fill="white" stroke="black" />
    <use id="text1_use" x="-103" y="-84.09" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Si19krjw36" />
  <div id="cover" style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1; background: rgba(0,0,0,0); height: 200px; width: 400px"></div>
<br />
<br />
<div id="position"></div>

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I think I have the same problem and as far as I can get it this is a bug in IE11 under Windows 7. In my case I move the SVG element with a click to another group but the same thing happens - no mouse event for the whole page thereafter.

I've tried many workarounds, including delaying DOM changes with setTimeout, handling a higher level event in the DOM, removing a click handler before changing the DOM. All the same result.

I would really like to know with whom this can be achieved. I'll put you on if I find a job.



I believe you may encounter this error .

The workaround I found was to install pointer-events: none

for all items <use>

. In my case, I needed to handle mouse events on my elements <use>

, so instead, I placed the elements <rect>

above them and attached my mouse handlers.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Microsoft will ever fix this ...



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