Cloudkit data not showing on uploaded iOS 8.1 app

Here's the deal. My app uses a Defualt Public CloudKit container to provide some images. The app works well on my iPhone and various simulators on iOS 8.0. I have submitted my app and it to the app store now, but the Cloudkit feature does not work with the app downloaded from the app store.

Is there anything I should have done in code or setup? Here is my Xcode setup.

enter image description here


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1 answer

OK, I found where I was wrong. I put it here for other people. We need to deploy the development environment to production in the CloudKit panel.

Development and production environment

CloudKit provides separate development and production environments for your post and data types. The development environment is a more flexible environment available only to members of your development team. When your application adds a new field to a record and saves that record in the development environment, the server automatically updates the schema information. You can use this feature to make changes to the schematic at design time, which saves time. One caveat is that once a field is added to a record, the data type associated with that field cannot be changed programmatically. To change the field type, you must delete the field in the CloudKit Dashboard and add it again with the new type.

Before deploying your app, you bring your schema and data to production using the CloudKit Dashboard. In a production environment, the server prevents programmatic changes to the program. You can still make changes to the CloudKit dashboard, but trying to add fields to a record in a production environment fails.

Note: iOS Simulator only works with development environment. When you're ready to test your application in a production environment, do it from your device. During development, Xcode automatically points your application to the development environment. Before submitting your application, configure your application using a distribution workflow. In this workflow, Xcode lets you choose whether you want to target development or production environments and adds the rights to your app with the value you chose. Be sure to set up your app for production before submitting. Apps targeting a development environment will be rejected by the App Store.



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