R: find all factors from Data Frame

I am trying to get the type of a dataframe column class. I'm doing it:



But now I want to find only those column names that are factors. I tried the following:



But this gives me:

ResponseFlag            Gender           Marital        OccupInput
 False                   True             True            False


How can I separate the column names that are factors?

Any help or idea would be appreciated.


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1 answer

Try the following:

Filter(is.factor, mydata)


names only If you just want names:

names(Filter(is.factor, mydata))



names(iris)[ sapply(iris, is.factor) ]


dplyr They can be expressed alternately with dplyr as follows:


mydata %>% Filter(f = is.factor)

mydata %>% Filter(f = is.factor) %>% names

mydata %>% summarise_each(funs(is.factor)) %>% unlist %>% .[.] %>% names




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