BigQuery maximum row size

Lately we started getting errors about "Line exceeded maximum size allowed".

Although the documentation states that the limit is 2MB of JSON, we have also successfully uploaded 4MB (and larger) records (see job job_Xr8vR3Fyp6rlH4zYaZFbZSyQsyI for an example of a 4.6MB record).

Has there been a change in the maximum allowed row size? Wrong job - job_qt_sCwokO2PWKNZsGNx6mK3cCWs. Unfortunately, the error messages received do not indicate which entry is problematic.


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1 answer

There was no change in the maximum row size (I double checked and went back through the changelists and saw nothing to affect this). The maximum is calculated from the encoded string, not the raw string, so you can sometimes get larger strings than the specified maximum into the system.

From looking at the failed job in the logs, it looks like the error was on line 1. Has this information returned in job errors? Or is this line not offensive?

It looked like there was a multiple field with a lot of records that looked like "Person..durable".

Please let me know if you think you received this by mistake or what we can do to improve the bug reports.



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