Examples of using jsonFormat to spray

I ran into this problem while trying to implement a JsonFormat object for a case class that is generic. This is my class:

case class SimpleQuery[T](field : String, op : Operator, value : T) extends Query{
  def getType = ????


I am trying to use the format the json spraying github tips page looks like this:

implicit def SimpleQueryJsonFormat[A <: JsonFormat] = jsonFormat4(SimpleQuery.apply[A])


But I am getting this compiler error

trait JsonFormat takes type parameters


Example from json github atomizer page:

case class NamedList[A](name: String, items: List[A])

object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit def namedListFormat[A :JsonFormat] = jsonFormat2(NamedList.apply[A])


It looks like mine.

I'll also open the issue on the github page.

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

I think you can deceive <:

and :

to determine the type of the parameter.

In yours, it [A <: JsonFormat]

means " A

extends JsonFormat


In the example it [A :JsonFormat]

means " A

with implicit JsonFormat[A]

". This is the same as requiring an implicit (but unnamed) parameter, for example implicit aFormat: JsonFormat[A]

. This is required to format part of value: T

your class.

TL; DR, try switching <:

to a:



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