Jenkins, Copy Directory Contents

Suppose we have a job "JobA" in Jenkins and the artifact of that job is a given directory structure:

Dir1 / Dir2 / Dir3, Dir4, File1, File2

 -> Dir1 /
      | -> Dir2 /  
           | -> Dir3 /
           | -> Dir4 /
           | -> File1
           | -> File2

(Dir2 contains Dir3, Dir4, File1, File2)

I want to use the content of Dir2 in "JobB". So if I installed "Dir1 / Dir2 / **" in the "Copy artifacts from another project" plugin, I get the whole folder structure including Dir1 / Dir2 Which path should I write in "Artifacts to copy" to get only the contents of Dir2 without Dir1 / Dir2, for example:

workspace / Dir3, Dir4, File1, File2



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2 answers

You will spend much less time simply following the step ren

or mv

(depending on the OS) "Copy Artifacts" post to get rid of this presenter Dir1/

than you will try to find a satisfactory answer.



Assuming you are using Copy Artifact Plugin, the path is:




I think this is as good as it gets. Copy and archive artifacts always use the workspace folder, since basedir and AFAIK the ant fileset does not allow to run from a subfolder using include.

But Dir2 is there for what you want, since you can use that folder as root. If not, another option is to add a shell script as a Post build step, which will move Dir2 to the root of the workspace and remove Dir1.



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