XCode 6.1 NSString.boundingRectWithSize Compilation Error

After upgrading Xcode to 6.1, I am getting a couple of compiler errors for my existing project.

I have defined attributes like

let styleAttriutes = [
  NSFontAttributeName : UIFont(...),
  NSForgeroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.blackColor()


Error: "Could not find an overload for 'init' that takes the supplied arguments

So I declared that the introduced dictionary explicitly adds : [NSString: Any] , since all key constants are of type NSString

and we have different values: UIFont

/ UIColor

and is AnyObject

also not allowed.

let styleAttriutes : [NSString : Any] = [ ...


The compiler is now happy with this question.

Certain attributes are used in

text.boundingRectWithSize(size: CGSize, options: NSStringDrawingOptions, attributes: [NSObject : AnyObject!], context: NSStringDrawingContext!)


Since type attributes are expected [NSObject:AnyObject!]

, but I am passing in type attributes [NSString : Any]

, the compiler complains:

Error : "NSString" is not identical to "NSObject" "

I tried using it with help attributes as [NSObject : AnyObject]

, but then I get a runtime error.

Fatal error : "Cannot unsafe BitCast between types of size differences."

Any suggestions?


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1 answer

I am assuming you are using a method UIFont


that returns optional (i.e. can return nil

) since Xcode 6.1.

So, try replacing UIFont(...)

with UIFont(...)!




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