Why does Hibernate session not reflect changes made outside the application

I am developing an application Java

that quickly checks for updates in a client database table and if any update is found then transfer it to the server database using Hibernate

and MySQL


  • This works well, when we change the database using hibernate BUT session , when I change the value of the database table using MySQL Workbench

    then it will return records which are as before.

How can hibernate session refresh on external table changes.

public List<com.ctpl.models.client.MasterTable> getAllClientMasterTableWithServerFlag() {
    try {
        clientSession = ClientHibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

        Criteria criteria = clientSession.createCriteria(com.ctpl.models.client.MasterTable.class);
        criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("serverFlag", 0));

        List<com.ctpl.models.client.MasterTable> clientMasterTables = criteria.list();
        return clientMasterTables;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;


What am I missing here?


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2 answers

We just need to add the connection pool to hibernate like below ...

Found the best way to easily implement it using this example



Have a look at Session.clear () or evict method

Refer to this article:


Hope it helps



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