Get array values ​​based on second key of an array in PHP

Let's take two arrays:

$aliases = array(
    'id'   => 'real_id',
    'date' => 'real_date',
    'name' => 'real_name'
$data = array(
    'id'   => 1,
    'name' => 'Lorem ipsum'


I would like to get each value $aliases

for the keys defined in the array $data

(no need to check if the key exists, I already did it at this point using array_intersect_key()

). Here's the expected output:

array('real_id', 'real_name');


Currently I can do it with foreach


$realkeys = array();
foreach(array_keys($data) as $key) {
    $realkeys[] = $aliases[$key];


But is there any PHP built-in function to do this more intelligently?


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1 answer

You can use PHP array_intersect_key

like this:

        $aliases = array(
                'id'   => 'real_id',
                'date' => 'real_date',
                'name' => 'real_name'
        $data = array(
                'id'   => 1,
                'name' => 'Lorem ipsum'

        print_r(array_values(array_intersect_key($aliases, $data)));


Array ([0] => real_id [1] => real_name)



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