N-ary function in the circuit
I am in the middle of writing an assignment for my CS class in a schema. I have to write an n-ary function based on another chili function that takes 3 arguments and an operator as input and returns variables combined with operators:
> ((((Chili3 +) 1) 10) 100)
And the code:
(define Chili3
(lambda (p)
(lambda (x1)
(lambda (x2)
(lambda (x3)
(p x1 x2 x3))))))
The funtion function I have to write has to take another input that determines the number of arguments the function will use and will be excluded like so:
> ((((((Curry 5 *) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Here is the code I have so far:
(define Chili
(lambda (n p)
((p n) xs))))
Can anyone help me, maybe just explain how n-ary functions work or what is wrong with the code I have?
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2 answers
Here's my example.
(define (curry-n n proc) (let curry-n-aux ((n n) (args '())) (if (zero? n) (apply proc (reverse args)) (lambda (x) (curry-n-aux (- n 1) (cons x args)))))) (curry-n 0 (lambda () "hello")) ; ==> "hello" ((curry-n 1 values) "hello") ; ==> "hello" ((((((curry-n 5 *) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5); ==> 120
Another approach would be to apply the special meaning "apply":
(define %curry-apply (list 'apply)) (define (curry proc) (let curry-n-aux ((args '())) (lambda (x) (if (eq? x %curry-apply) (apply proc (reverse args)) (curry-n-aux (cons x args)))))) ((curry-n (lambda () "hello")) %curry-apply) ; ==> "hello" (((curry-n values) "hello") %curry-apply) ; ==> "hello" (((((((curry-n *) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) %curry-apply); ==> 120
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