Using Python to fill dummy data in a MySQL table

I was messing around with Sakila DB and I created a table director

using the same schema as the table actor


For those unfamiliar, the table actor

has 4 columns:

  • actors_id
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • last_update

The table I created is director

similar in structure.

Now there is a table film_actor

, I think it is used as a join table since it has composite primary keys used to bind the table actor

to the table film


Now I want to create a table director_film

... you guessed it! Create a link to films with associated directors.

The problem is that there are 1000 films in Sakila. I want every director (I created 15) to be associated with every movie.

Is there a way to use Python to randomly assign a director to a movie? This is on localhost and I am currently on port 3306 by default using the root user.

The primary keys for director

and are film

automatically incremented starting at 1.


source to share

1 answer

If you assume you only have one director per movie, it would be advisable to add a field director

to the table film


Then you can run the following SQL query to set an arbitrary director (an integer from 1 to 15) for each tape:

UPDATE film SET director = FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) *15 ) 



Copy the content film_actor

to director_film


INSERT INTO director_film (SELECT * FROM film_actor ) 


Then let's create a random director:

UPDATE director_film SET director = FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) *15 ) 




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