JBPM 6.2.0 send recurring task reminder after 1 day time interval if task is not completed

I am new to jBPM. I am working on jBPM version 6.2.0. I want to complete the following tasks.

  • Send email reminder to user / group. Remind the user again after 1 business day if the task is still pending. Keep sending a reminder every day until the task is completed.

  • It will also happen if the jboss / tomcat server restarts after sending one reminder. Will there be later emails scheduled?

I can add Deadlines (Escalation-Notification), but it runs once and only sends 1 email. I need to constantly remind the user (or hourly) to complete a task. I tried looking in the jBPM 6 user manual but it has no clarity about Boundary timer events and intermediate time events to catch. And when I use any of them, it starts up once.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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1 answer

Here's an example of what I did recently to send periodic emails.

Example Timer Loop

This should loop until the user completes the task. You might be having trouble with the one business day rule as I don't know if the ISO 8601 specification is sufficiently specified to know about weekends / holidays / business days. You can add this logic to your service task for sending email.

Remember that this cycle will continue forever until the task is completed. You might want to add an extra timeout. You can add the number of cycles so that after X times the process will be canceled. Some of my processes have a rule that if the process is not completed within Y days, the process should be canceled. I accomplished this using the CancelDate process variable and set the definition of the Date / Time timer event and the value # {CancelDate}.



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