Pheatmap error Error in hclust (d, method = method): NA / NaN / Inf in external function call (arg 11)

I am trying to create a heatmap with gene expression values โ€‹โ€‹using the pheatmap package in r. I have used the code many times and never had a problem until today. It seems when I do scale = "string" I get this error. I cannot create z-scores. So it is likely that some strings don't have any mutability for which this happens. How can I get rid of this. The matrix has 1100 rows and 9 columns. Below is the am code using

data4<-matrix(vett,length(genes),length(samples), dimnames=list(paste(genes),paste(samples)))

pheatmap(as.matrix(data4),col=bluered(200), scale="row", key=T, keysize=1.5,"none", trace="none",cexCol=0.6, fontsize_row = 8,,fontsize_col = 10)


Error in hclust (d, method = method): NA / NaN / Inf in external function call (arg 11)

How can I get rid of this error?


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1 answer

I figured I would fix it .. I had to delete the lines for which there was no SD when doing the z score calculation and it rebuilt the heatmap. Thanks to



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