Matching a JSON object with an instance

Suppose I have a DTO:

class C {
    String a;
    String b;


And I have JSON:

    "c" : {
        "a" : "aaa",
        "b" : "bbb"


What I want to do is do the following test:

C expected = new C("aaa","bbb");
    .andExpect(jsonPath("$.c", is(expected)));


He fails. If I serialize expected

to JSON first and then try to match it fails again because it is a string. Is it possible?


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2 answers

Always remember: there is no such thing as a "JSON object". JSON is a serialization format for objects. JSON is always a string. You can convert from object to JSON and back (and therefore from object to string and back). But

{ "a": "b" }


- a JavaScript object, not JSON (even if it looks very similar).

This is actually the answer to your question: when you serialize expected

, you get JSON (transport format, i.e. string). This is not what tests jsonPath()

. jsonPath()

checks JavaScript types.

This blog post suggests that you need to validate each field separately:

.andExpect(jsonPath("$.c.a", is(expected.a)))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.c.b", is(expected.b)));


which is tedious. What you need is a) set up your JSON structure to use a mapping system that sorts the keys, and b) you need to figure out what type it jsonPath("$.c", ...)

returns - this is probably the type your JSON framework uses to represent common JavaScript objects.

Then the check looks like this:

C c = new C("aaa","bbb");
String serialized = JSON.serialize(c); // to string
JSObject expected = JSON.parse(serialized); // to generic JavaScript object
    .andExpect(jsonPath("$.c", is(expected)));


Note that this only works if it JSObject

has the correct implementation for equals()




If you can afford to modify your "C" class to add it to the "equals" and modify your JSON file a bit, I would suggest you convert your JSON string to an instance of "C". This can be done with a good JSON-ifier (Jackson or GSON). Then you just need to compare two instances. Some examples with GSON:

class C {
    String a;
    String b;
    public boolean equals(C obj) { return a.equals(obj.a) && b.equals(obj.b); }
// Your JSON file should look like that
    "a" : "aaa",
    "b" : "bbb"
// So the test is simple
C expected = new C("aaa","bbb");
C json = gson.fromJson(jsonString, C.class); 
if (expected.equals(json)) {
    // Do whatever you want here


If you can't afford to change the JSON file, just create another class that will contain your main class, for example:

class Wrapper {
    C c;
Wrapper jsonW = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Wrapper.class);
C json = jsonW.c;


If you cannot afford adding equals statement, I suggest creating a JSON string based on instance 2 "C" instances and comparing the strings. Your jsonString becomes a real "C" object (json) and then ends with a new string (jsonStr).

String expectedStr = gson.toJson(expected);
String jsonStr = gson.toJSON(json);
if (expectedStr.equals(jsonStr)) {
    // Do whatever you want here




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