Angular empty state name when checking routing with jasmine

Like many people, I am new to testing Angular with Jasmine and I am trying my best to get it right. I am using ui-router to do my routing and right now the problem I am having is that the $ in the test is an empty string and I have no idea why this is happening what.

This is the code in my routing module:

var cacRouteViewMod = angular.module('cacRouteViewMod', ['ui.router', 'cacLib']);

cacRouteViewMod.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

  .state('countries', {
    url: '/countries',
    templateUrl: 'countries/countries.html',
    controller: 'countriesCtrl',
    resolve : {
      countries: ["getCountry", function(getCountry) {
        return getCountry();



and the test I wrote is this:

describe('cac_app_views (routing)', function() {

  var $rootScope,
      state = 'countries';

  beforeEach(function() {

    module('cacRouteViewMod', function($provide, $urlRouterProvider) {
      $provide.value('getCountry', getCountryMock = {});

    inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$state_, _$injector_, $templateCache) {
      $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
      $state     = _$state_;
      $injector  = _$injector_;
      $templateCache.put('countries/countries.html', '');

  // Test 1
  it('should respond to URL', function() {

  // Test 2
  it('should resolve getCountry', function() {
    getCountryMock = jasmine.createSpy('getCountry').and.returnValue('nanana');

    $rootScope.$apply(function() {



Test 1 is good, but problem 2 is a problem. The test fails because it expected "to be" countries.

When I write $ state.current to the console it gives

Object {name: "", url: "^", views: null, abstract: true}


I'm getting pretty desperate at this point. Can anyone help me understand / solve this problem?


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2 answers

I solved it this way:

After reading similar postoverflow columns, I posted a listener for $stateChangeError

and it was fired. I dumped the data error

and saw that it was a typeError: getCountry is not a function

. This made it $state

not update and hence still contains the original (empty) one $state


I fixed $provide.value

like this:

$provide.value('getCountry', getCountryMock = function() {return 'nanana';});


which says "When called getCountry

, instead getCountryMock

specify getCountryMock

which is a function that returns a string 'nanana'


All tests now work the way I want them to.

Note. I found that the line of code was getCountryMock = jasmine.createSpy.....

out of date and my other change was $provide.value()

, so I commented that out.



As per the documentation $state.go

, a promise is returned.

You should use a function done()

from Jasmine to test this code:



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