Adding content to a previously deleted cell using google APIs

I am trying to follow the instructions in the google API to change the content on a newly created sheet. I did the following in the API: Authenticated with OATH2, selected my table and created a new worksheet. However, I can't figure out how to update the cell content in this sheet.

I created a worksheet with these dimensions:

        worksheet.Cols = 100;
        worksheet.Rows = 200;


However, when using this code to update a cell, it does not work: (based on the code under Change Cell Content in API Document here )

 // Fetch the cell feed of the worksheet.
        CellQuery cellQuery = new CellQuery(worksheet.CellFeedLink);
        CellFeed cellFeed = service.Query(cellQuery);

        Console.WriteLine("Cells:" + cellFeed.Entries.Count);

        // Iterate through each cell, updating its value if necessary.
        foreach (CellEntry cell in cellFeed.Entries)

            if (cell.Title.Text.Equals("A1"))
                cell.InputValue = "test";


It only works if I have previously placed the data in a cell, but not when creating a new one and thus empty.

I believe the problem is because the core of the cell does not contain any cells in the newly created empty table. If so, how do I add content to the cell if not using this method?


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