TS2339: Propert 'on' does not exist on type "HTMLElement"
I am using graphical code in angular 2. I am getting error for the following code. I named this code.
My code:
var plotDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');
alert( 'ZOOM!' + '\n\n' +
'Event data:' + '\n' +
JSON.stringify(eventdata) + '\n\n' +
'x-axis start:' + new Date(eventdata['xaxis.range[0]'])+ '\n' +
'x-axis end:' + new Date(eventdata['xaxis.range[1]']));
var xVal = new Date(eventdata['xaxis.range[0]']);
var yVal = new Date(eventdata['xaxis.range[1]']);
I am getting error for plotDiv.on ('....') function. Is there an alternative function for .on () in angular 2? Please help me. I am stuck here.
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To prevent this error, you can write:
var plotDiv: any = document.getElementById('myDiv');
plotDiv.on('plotly_relayout', ...
return HTMLElement
. This type does not contain a method on
because this method was added to plotly-latest.min.js
. So to turn off the typescript warning, you can explain what to compile so as not to check types forplotDiv
Another way is to define the type of the type:
interface PlotHTMLElement extends HTMLElement {
on(eventName: string, handler: Function): void;
var plotDiv = <PlotHTMLElement>document.getElementById('myDiv')
plotDiv.on('plotly_relayout', function() {
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My preferred approach is to use string literal parameter types to declare a specialized return type for DOM selector functions. We then define properties and events that are specific to those elements.
This is possible thanks to the open-ended TypeScript interfaces.
// Assuming you using modules as you mention Angular 2
// if this is actually script code and not a module, remove the `declare global` wrapper
declare global {
interface Document {
// This only enhances the return type of getElementById for the exact selector "myDiv".
getElementById("myDiv"): HTMLDivElement & {
// intersection `&` is used to add the specialized event.
on('plotly_relayout', (eventdata: {/* fill this in as needed */}) => void);
With this declaration, your original kernel will be typecheck checked. There is no need to introduce type assertions and we can support a more declarative style. It also serves to document our expectation of the myDiv div at the API level.
It looks like you can use jQuery, if so then the approach is the same and the code is almost identical.
declare global {
interface JQueryStatic {
("#myDiv"): JQuery & {
on('plotly_relayout', (eventdata: {/* fill this in as needed */}) => void);
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