How to use Inner Join to get the desired result in SQL Server 2008

I have 2 tables called Players

and Teams

. There are about 100 lines of data.

  • Columns Players

    : Player_ID, Player_Name, Team_ID, Country_ID, Captain_ID, Matches_Played

  • Columns Teams

    : Team_ID, Team_Name, Manager_ID, Matches_Won, Matches_Lost, Country_ID

Table Players


  | Player_ID  Player_Name  Team_Id  Country_ID  Captain_ID  Matches_Played|
  |    1         Ronaldo       1         1           1            250      |
  |    2         Messi         2         2           2            220      |
  |    3         Marcelo       1         1           1            185      |
  |    4         Suarez        2         2           2            193      |


I want to find a player on each team who has played most of the games using the INNER JOIN .

Desired output:

  | Player_ID  Player_Name  Team_Id  Country_ID  Captain_ID  Matches_Played|
  |    1         Ronaldo       1         1           1            250      |
  |    2         Messi         2         2           2            220      |


The request I was trying to use:

    p.Player_Name, t.Team_Name, src.Matches_Played AS Matches_Played
    Players p
    Teams t ON p.Team_ID = t.Team_ID
    (SELECT Team_ID, MAX(Matches_Played) AS Matches_Played
     FROM Players
     GROUP BY Team_ID) src ON t.Team_ID = src.Team_ID
                           AND p.Team_ID = src.Team_ID;


This query returns the entire table with the same value MAX

for Matches_Played

next to each player.

How do I fix the query to get the desired result?


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3 answers

If I understood your question, I think you can try:

SELECT p.Player_Name, t.Team_Name, src.Matches_Played AS Matches_Played
FROM Players p
ON p.Team_ID = t.Team_ID
            SELECT Team_ID, MAX(Matches_Played) AS Matches_Played
            FROM Players
            GROUP BY Team_ID)src
ON p.Team_ID = src.Team_ID
AND p.Matches_Played = src.Matches_Played;




You don't need to join at all to do this. Since Sql Server 2005, there is something called an operator APPLY

that might work better for this query:

SELECT p.Player_Name, t.Team_Name, p.Matches_Played
FROM Teams t
     SELECT TOP 1 Player_Name, Matches_Played 
     FROM Players p 
     WHERE p.Team_ID = t.Team_ID 
     ORDER BY Matches_Played DESC
) p


But if this is an assignment where you have to use JOIN for some reason, you need to do it in two steps. First find the number of matches of the target player, and then get the full string for that entry:

SELECT p.Player_Name, t.Team_Name, p.Matches_Played
FROM Teams t
     SELECT Team_ID, MAX(Matches_Played) as Max_Played
     FROM Players
     GROUP BY Team_ID
) played ON played.Team_ID = t.Team_ID
INNER JOIN Players p ON p.Team_ID = played.Team_ID AND p.Matches_Played = played.Max_Played


Note that this may seem like more than one line for each command in the tie case, but the question doesn't really indicate what to do in this situation.

Also note that for both queries I start with the Teams table, not the Players table. The query optimizer should be able to work with it anyway, but I think for this query it makes logical sense for the programmer to start thinking in terms of finding a match for each command record, especially when we see the option APPLY

never use the Players table at the root of the query at all ...

Finally, I suspect there is still a third solution that would use the windowing function (ordered row_number + parition by), which could be even better.



I think this situation would be a good place to use ROW_NUMBER.

Basic data:

CREATE TABLE #Players (Player_ID INT
                      ,Player_Name VARCHAR(50)
                      ,Team_ID INT
                      ,Country_ID INT
                      ,Captain_ID INT
                      ,Matches_Played INT)

INSERT INTO #Players (Player_ID, Player_Name, Team_ID, Country_ID, Captain_ID, Matches_Played)
VALUES (1, 'Renaldo', 1, 1, 1, 250)
      ,(2, 'Messi', 2, 2, 2, 220)
      ,(3, 'Marcelo', 1, 1, 1, 185)
      ,(4, 'Suarez', 2, 2, 2, 193);


Then I used a basic Select statement and concatenated it with another select statement that uses ROW_NUMBER ()

SELECT   p.Player_ID
FROM #Players p
                  ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Team_ID ORDER BY Matches_Played DESC) AS rnk
  FROM #Players) AS p1 ON p1.Player_ID = p.Player_ID AND rnk = 1


For this, ROW_NUMBER () is used to assign a position to each player in the team. If you had 5 players on the same team, they would count from 1 to 5, where 1 has the most games and 5 has the least. Then, when you join him at rnk = 1, you only join the player with the most games on each team.

If you are confused by the fact that you put the expression in the JOIN, you can do it in other ways.

With CTE (Common Table Expression):

WITH CTE (Player_ID, Rnk) AS
    (SELECT Player_ID
           ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Team_ID ORDER BY Matches_Played DESC)
     FROM #Players)
SELECT   p.Player_ID
FROM #Players p
INNER JOIN CTE ON cte.Player_ID = p.Player_ID AND rnk = 1


With temperature table:

INTO #RankTable
FROM #Players

SELECT   p.Player_ID
FROM #Players p
INNER JOIN #RankTable r ON r.Player_ID = p.Player_ID AND rnk = 1




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