Where can I find the logs recorded by Fabric Crashlytics

I have applied Fabric and Crashlytics answers in my iOS app and also implemented the Crashlytics logger (CLS_LOG). But I couldn't find (or understand) their documentation, where I can find the logs posted by this logger. Is it sent only in case of an accident? Is this part of the crash report?


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2 answers

I read the docs and found below, you can see these logs related to your crash message. Check it out in the Fabric toolbar. Moreover, it will help you find the crash problem.

To find out where this log file is located, you can search all directories in your application [excluding the main bundle].

It's often helpful to have some context written about the events leading up to the crash. Crashlytics provides logging capabilities to make this easy. These messages are related to your crash data and are displayed in the Fabric dashboard when you look at a specific crash.



This is a bit old question, but maybe it helps. You can find magazines in this order;

  • Enter crash details by clicking crash in the list.
  • In the lower right corner, you will see the version information. Click on the version you want to see logs from.
  • In the open panel, you will see a button to switch the log. Make sure it is open.
  • When you open the logs using the toggle button, you will see the logs and you can download the logs. Hope this helps.


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